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Friday, October 21, 2011

Tips for Healthy Hair

Hair is the crown for us, especially for a woman, hair is a very valuable asset and is second to none that can replace it. even many women are willing to spend a huge cost to care for and maintain the beauty of her hair. And with many technological advances created either in the form of tools, materials and medicines to care for and treat various hair problems. But sometimes these drugs actually brought new problems to the hair so that instead of hair look beautiful but it is the hair loss, dandruff and others.
Having a great hair not only requires a special care, but also a proper food to be eaten. Everybody knows that a healthy hair starts from its roots and that the quality of these roots depends on the chaotic or well thought-out life we choose to live. Usually, keeping a healthy diet is important for both our mind and our physical appearance. If we feel good on the inside, it shows on the outside. In order to know what exactly we should eat to have a fabulous hair, we need to say some things about the properties of the ingredients that are not to be excluded from our daily meals.

Our hair is mainly consisted of proteins. If they are to be found in our locks in a low quantity, we shouldn’t be surprise at the appearance of certain problems, such as the loss of hair color, weak hair or even brittle hair. In order to prevent or even to fight these issues, it is recommended that we eat beef, turkey, chicken, eggs and dairy products that are low fat, meaning cottage cheese, yogurt and milk. The calcium that is present in the latter products is essential for our hair and nails.
The iron is also very important. The absence of iron from our body usually leads to baldness. This iron deficiency may be treated by including in our diet dried fruit, whole grains and red meat. A certain amount of zinc is also necessary in order to combat the loss of hair. In case this mineral is absent from our body, the levels of androgen and hormones may be affected. So, it is indicated to eat beans, nuts, oysters and lamb meat to provide the body with this essential substance.

Fatty acids are also at help and it is recommended to eat fish at least two times a week. They guarantee a shiny hair and prevent the scalp from drying. It is a known fact that a healthy and glossy hair is the result of a regular presence of the sebum which is the most important moisturizer for our locks. Due to the fact that it is produced by our own body, no allergic or chemical reaction can result from it.

And let’s not forget about water. It is vital to drink as much water as possible for our body to be correctly hydrated. We all heard about the importance of drinking eight glasses of water a day. However, by doing so, we should also pay attention to keeping a balanced amount of minerals in our body because we can lose a great quantity of the kind through the sweating process

Monday, October 10, 2011

9 steps to overcome addiction

Addiction is a word we often hear, and certainly each of us assume
negative to this word. but it is true that addiction must be something to do on things that are bad and harmful for us as an example of alcoholism, drug addiction, sex addiction, etc. It was not an easy thing to overcome and treat an addiction. Especially when the people with less attention and supervision both by people nearby such as husband, wife and family then there is the possibility that the treatment failed.
On this occasion we would peel the steps for handling and cure the addiction.
Originally proposed and established in 1935 by AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) as a recover technique, 12-Step Addiction Treatment the 12-Step Addiction Treatment program now encompasses the issues of dependency and substance abuse/addiction as well. Addictions come in all shapes and sizes. It's not just about alcohol and drugs anymore because certain behaviors are also considered to be addictions, such as gambling and pornography. Regardless of the type of addiction that is being addressed, one is no less significant than another.
After several years, the 12-Step Program was adopted by other noteworthy organizations that made it the foundation of their different treatment and recovery programs.
The 9-Step process, according to the American Psychological Association (APA), has been summarized as involving the following and being the core of the 9-Step philosophy:
1 admitting that you cannot control your addictions or compulsions
2 enlisting the help of a sponsor (experienced member) to examine your past bad decisions and behavior
3 helping others who are suffering from the same addictions or compulsions (see above)
4 learning a new code of behavior to live your new life by
5 making amends for your bad decisions and behavior
6 recognizing that you can gain strength from a greater power
The function of the 12-Step Program
The 12-Step Addiction Treatment program is just as the name implies. There are 12 steps involved in the treatment and recovery process, no matter what the addiction is. For all practical purposes it is a set of guidelines or guiding principles which outline courses of action for the recovery from:
7 addiction
8 compulsive behavior
9 other types of behavioral issues
In addition to the 9 steps of the program, there is a coinciding 12 traditions, which is a set of guidelines that focus on the governing of oneself and one's behavior. They were also developed by AA in conjunction with the 12-Step Program to help resolve internal conflict, especially where finances, publicity, and religion are concerned. Most of the 12-step fellowships out there have adopted these in order to govern their structure.
The structure of the human being is represented symbolically on a 3-dimension basis - mental, physical, and spiritual. The problems of the group members are addressed because they are eventually manifested on all three levels when there is an addiction issue present. No matter which level we are dealing with, there is an illness that is in place that the addicted individual needs to be treated for and recover from. In most rehab programs, the 9-Step Addiction Treatment Program has played a critical role as the primary therapy employed during the recovery process.

Tonsils and the treatment

The tonsils is a disease caused by a toxin from glands oembesaran that exist around the neck and the disease usually affects children in the age range 2-12 years. Actually gland toxin is necessary to filter out bacteria and germs that get into our bodies.

If suddenly dry throat, fever and difficulty swallowing, you may be experiencing problems tonsils. These symptoms are many natural children. But there might also experienced adults. What exactly causes this disease?

What kind of treatment. . . . ?

Tonsils or tonsils are collections of lymphoid tissue located on both ends of the throat behind the mouth. Tonsil folding rear does have a duty, one of which maintain the body's defenses.

Each person has three tonsils, palatine tonsils or tonsils is called saisi located on the right and left arch between the tongue and floor of the mouth of children, tonsil located at the back of the nose, commonly called PHAGIUSEAL TONSILA or adenoids, and young children can usually be enlarged. Whereas in adults is usually re-shrink the tonsils so that it can disappear. Third is the tonsils at the base of the tongue is commonly called TONSILA.

Trigger factors of inflammation of the tonsils is the entry of germs into the mouth, consuming foods or beverages that are too cold in hot weather and air temperature changes are striking. At that time, the decline in the immune system.


Symptoms can be divided in two, the symptoms of inflammation of sudden (acute) and chronic inflammatory. Which includes symptoms of acute inflammation of the tonsils is a high fever, swollen glands tonsils redness, and pain when swallowing food. Children seem weak and would not eat because every time you swallow food, my throat ached.


Gland inflammation of the tonsils in children will cause sleep disruption due to difficult breathing, decreased appetite, lethargy fast and no passion.
For the frequent infection of the tonsils, surgery should be done 4-6 weeks after a relapse or the last heat. At relapse, there was dilation of blood vessels, thus operating on many fear could lead to the circulation and spread of germs. Similarly in the tonsil abscess with complications in the surrounding tissue.


In the tonsil there were germs. One of these is Streptococcus BETAHEMOLITIKUS. Germs are so in fear because in addition to causing pain in the tonsils, the bacteria used to form a membrane such as membranes and shaped like pus.

Other consequences of attacking the child when the child is the child's enlarged tonsils will be hard to breathe, thus entering into the O2 will be less. That will cause the child to be lazy, often sleepy, or even a lack of concentration.

In order not easy to swollen tonsils, encourage children to abstain from food, One of them is to reduce the food's cold, spicy, or hot.

Chronic swelling could be solved first, with local treatment, eg with antibiotics so that the mouth is always kept clean.

Treatment of inflammation of the tonsils or tonsils can be done with the antibiotics, fever, vitamins, other additional therapy as indicated and adequate rest. Under these circumstances, the child should not be too much activity.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Cure Diabetes with Green Tea

Diabetes is a disease that is so harmful to humans and the disease is prone to attack people who have excess weight and diet is not good. but apparently there are several ways that can be used for treatment. One of the kinds of herbs that can be used is GREEN TEA
Green tea, commonly used by diabetic patients is famous for its medicinal value. It is a composition of unfermented leaves which can be used as beverage and as medicine. Camellia sinensis is the alternate name given for this medicinal tea. Drinking green herbal tea is an effective way for controlling sugar metabolism. Studies made on diabetic patients prove that those who drink herbal tea had a controlled blood sugar level. It promotes insulin production, blocks glucose absorption and helps in managing blood sugar level. Controlling high blood pressure is another advantage of drinking herbal tea. Presence of antioxidants like polyphenols in green herbal tea takes control over high blood pressure which in turn helps regulating sugar level. Slight bitter taste of herbal tea is due to the presence of these polyphenols.

Functioning of antioxidants prevent action of free radicals in body. These free radicals are responsible for cell damage and ageing functions. Regular drinking of herbal tea promotes normal functioning of body cells. Tea, composed with catechins and polysaccharides slows down the growth of blood glucose level. Major six compounds of catechins equipped in green tea include catechin, gallaogatechin, epicatechin, epigallogatechin, epicatechin gallate and apigallochatechin gallate. Out of these six catechin compounds, apigallochatechin gallate commonly known as EGCG is the abundantly present and most functioning one in green tea.
Green tea can be added in patient's diet as a regular natural food supplement. Feel free to contact your health practitioners when ever you need help regarding dosage level. Nutritionists suggests in drinking at least two- three cups of green herbal tea a day. Green tea plays a vital role in reducing body weight of a person. Low body weight lowers blood sugar level and prevents consequences due to diabetes. Experiments had revealed that usage of green herbal tea had helped many diabetic patients to control their body weight.

Drinking green tea promotes excretion of urine, prevents flatulence, maintains body temperature, improves heart function and helps in healing wounds. Magical power of green tea in suppressing stress helps in preventing hypertension there by reducing the risk of diabetes. L- theanine amino acid present in green tea is responsible for this anti stress property. Proper digestion control power, reducing risk of constipation and improving mental health are other advantages of using green tea in diet.

Leading role played by green herbal tea in regulating postprandial hyperglycemic condition is remarkable. Postprandial hyperglycemia is a diabetic condition occurring due to increase in blood sugar level after intake of meals. Drinking green and fresh tea after meals helps in reducing blood glucose level due to postprandial hyperglycemia. Diabetic patients with type 2 diabetes are often advised to drink green and fresh tea for maintaining their blood glucose level. Today, extracts from green herbal tea are added in many food supplements in order to improve nutrient level. Powdered form of tea leaves are mixed with food supplements. It is also available in capsule and liquid form in market. Caffeine free supplements of green tea are preferred for better health provision. It helps in leading a healthier lifestyle with no side effects.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Maintain your Kidney

Kidney is an organ that serves to separate the poison and remove excess fluid and waste products from blood. And producing glands endoktrin which serves for the formation of red blood cells, regulate blood pressure and bone formation is vital and complex organ is the kidney. This organ is located in the bladder is going to crash if we do not maintain and make unhealthy lifestyle. The following are things to consider to keep your kidneys are not susceptible to interference, namely:
1. Adjust your diet
Choose whole grains, fruits, and vegetables organically. Avoid processed foods, limit salt, replace full-fat meat with fish or white meat with no fat.
2. Keep Digestion
Add the consumption of probiotics, prebiotics, and foods rich in fiber. It is also a good way to reduce the adverse effects of pesticides on food.
3. Stop Smoking
The study, published by the American Physiological Society in 2007 concluded that nicotine is the main factor leading to kidney disorders.
4. Avoid Alcohol
Excessive alcohol consumption can increase blood pressure, one of the problems that can lead to kidney disorders. Also make people urinate frequently so that the risk of dehydration.
5. Many of Drinking Water And Exercise Diligent
Drinking water for at least 6-8 glasses of water a day. Do not be lazy to exercise. Walk 4-5 times a week is enough to help maintain a healthy heart rate, which is also good for your kidneys.

Those are some tips and advice that can be done to keep the organ in our body, especially the kidneys are always in good condition and no health problems. based on experience and observation when someone has declared it for the treatment of renal failure require no small cost in because the patient must always do dialysis
because the blood has mingled with the rest of the production of blood because of kidney function that has been damaged. So start now do a healthy lifestyle and avoid habits that can threaten the health of our bodies. And to the recommendations of health care for all of us this we can do with herbs (natural) because herbal products have been proven safe and efficacious. writing so many of us hopefully useful and thank you